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Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

To a mother

For a mother ....

Your love of all time, no matter which is very valuable unless you tell me a million prayers for you, so you are always in the shelter of Allah swt, ...

will always be I remember every second breath in me, in every step of my journey, in every time my narrow, without your love caress maybe I will not feel the beauty of this world, regardless of your soft caress could I not be able to feel an affection,

Your services are great services to thousands of children born to you, millions of affection that were never paid, the rest of your life were you given for your children.

I prostrate at the feet of your mother, I know a very beautiful paradise lies under the feet of your mother, forgive his sins that I do, all the mistakes that I make, all your curses for mothers,,

I love you mom ...
banda aceh 07 july 2010.

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